Meet Erik Fellman, the Swedish TikTok Sensation Taking Icy Plunges

Erik Fellman, a 38-year-old Swedish TikTok sensation, has become famous for his regular winter swims in a partially frozen lake just outside Stockholm.

With over 310,000 followers and 21.9 million likes on TikTok, Erik’s frigid water adventures have captured the attention of viewers worldwide. He shares videos of his icy dips, where he relaxes with rubber ducks and enjoys frozen lollies, providing a glimpse into the unique winter wellness routine.

Erik’s Icy Routine:

Erik reveals that he can spend up to 20 minutes in the frigid waters of Huvudsta Strandbad, a communal swimming lake outside Stockholm. He emphasizes that he’s always had a high tolerance to the cold but began cold dipping five years ago to swim year-round. Erik swims even at night, lighting candles on the ice for added ambiance. Despite the chilly temperatures, he only wears shorts and a T-shirt for the snowy 15-minute walk to the lake.

Health Benefits and Sleep Enhancement:

While Erik acknowledges potential health benefits of ice swims, he emphasizes that even if there weren’t any proven benefits, he would continue the practice. Dr. Naheed Ali from notes that cold immersion can retrain physiology for resilience and promote deeper sleep. Erik attests that ice swims indeed help him sleep better at night.

Tips for Ice-Bathing:

Erik offers advice for those interested in trying ice baths, suggesting they should not attempt to break records and instead get to know their bodies’ reactions to cold water. He recommends not doing it alone, bringing extra clothes, and staying active to warm up afterward. According to Erik, walking home is an effective way to raise body temperature after an ice bath.

TikTok Fame:

Erik Fellman’s TikTok videos showcase his unique winter wellness routine, garnering millions of likes and a substantial following. His videos often include humorous commentary and a warm welcome to viewers, providing a glimpse into Sweden’s winter ice-bathing culture.


Erik Fellman’s icy plunges into a partially frozen lake have made him a TikTok sensation, attracting millions of likes and a sizable following. Beyond the entertainment value, Erik’s winter wellness routine offers a unique perspective on the cold water swimming culture in Sweden. As he continues to share his experiences on TikTok, viewers are captivated by his resilience and embrace of the icy waters for potential health benefits and a good night’s sleep.

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