A Twitter whistleblower will testify at a Senate hearing next month

Twitter whistleblower

The former A Twitter whistleblower, who filed a disclosure statement about the company, will testify at a Senate hearing next month. The exact day Twitter shareholders (TWTR) vote on whether to approve a takeover deal for Elon Musk.

A Twitter whistleblower Peter “Mudge” Zatko, whose disclosures were first reported by CNN and the Washington Post on Tuesday. Will testify back the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, September 13. According to the committee’s announcement. He will address his allegations against Twitter. Including accusations that the social media company experienced serious security and privacy vulnerabilities. That could compromise US users, investors, also national security data. He also claimed that Twitter executives misled regulators and the company’s board.

“Mr. Zatko’s allegations on Twitter of widespread security breaches and interference by foreign state actors raise serious concerns,” said Senators Dick Durbin and Chuck Grassley, committee chair and Republican.

“These allegations could pose a dangerous privacy and security risk to Twitter users worldwide.”

Twitter denied the allegations in the disclosure, saying Zatko was fired in January for “ineffective leadership also poor performance.” (Zatko claims he was fired in retaliation for concerns about security breaches.)

“What we have seen so go is a false narrative about Twitter and our privacy and security practices. That is rilling with contradictions and inaccuracies and lacks significant context,” a Twitter spokesperson tell in a statement Tuesday in comeback to the disclosure. “Mr. Zatko’s allegations also opportunistic timing appear to attract attention and harm Twitter, its customers, and shareholders. Security also privacy have long been, and continue to be, a company-wide priority at Twitter.”
