Lady Gaga Dog Collector Raises Funds For The Trip After She Was Shot.

Key Sentence:

  • Ryan Fisher was attacked four times when the pop star’s dogs were stolen from him.
  • Lady Gaga’s dog Ryan Fisher raised money after he was shot dead by thieves who stole the pop star’s dog in February.

Fisher is currently on his way to recover from the trauma of an accident. Where Lady Gaga was shot four times and suffered a collapsed lung. She was walking Gaga’s dogs Koji, Miss Asia, and Gustavo when she was attacked.

Fisher was released from the hospital in March, but two months after his trip to America, his RV collapsed. He tried to raise $40,000 to help him get back on what became known as Saturday’s trip. Lady Gaga hopes time outside of herself will help her “work together to strengthen her emotional and mental health.

Lady Gaga hopes to visit “retreat centers, trauma programs,” interview healers, artists, and spiritual leaders.

On his GoFundMe page, Fischer said: “A few days ago, I said goodbye to Trudy. The reliable Ford Falcon rental company from 1991 who rode like a boat in the strong winds. With just me, Trudy, three cute dog-looking toys that are so important to me, and many personal items, we hesitated two months in the US.

“Sometimes I get scared. I’m lonely; I feel abandoned and without support. I experienced depression, doubt, and self-pity. But the roads that took me to abandoned Walmart campsites and parking lots and vacation stops friends and family to New York and back. Began to make me understand why I chose to leave the safety of the Hollywood Hills where I was for my life. and your mobility.”

The dog’s owner added, “Without a vehicle, an apartment. And after I ran out of savings and survived on donations from generous relatives, I humbly ask for your help. I created this GoFundMe page to help buy vans, travel expenses, and information on trauma retreats across the country. As well as quirky spiritual and healer guides and great ways to highlight and share with you.”

Fischer has raised $4,661 of the $40,000 requested at the time of writing.

After Gaga learned that her dog had been stolen, she posted a $500,000 reward for any information on her whereabouts. The marriage was returned to the Los Angeles Police Department just three days later. Gaga just praised her dog after giving birth and promised to pay for her medical expenses.

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