Influencer & Dermatologist’s Genius Hack for Cleaning Makeup Sponges

Dr. Azadeh Shirazi, a renowned dermatologist based recently shared a game-changing hack for properly cleaning makeup sponges.

Dermatologist’s Genius Hack for Cleaning Makeup Sponges Revealed

Dr. Azadeh Shirazi, a renowned dermatologist based in San Diego, California, with nearly two million TikTok followers, recently shared a game-changing hack for properly cleaning makeup sponges. In a video, she emphasized the importance of regular cleansing, suggesting a surprising kitchen ingredient as the key to achieving spotless beauty tools.

The Ineffectiveness of Water and Soap

Dr. Shirazi began the demonstration by attempting to clean a makeup sponge with water and soap, showcasing its limited effectiveness. Despite the soap’s surfactants designed to dissolve makeup and grime, the sponge retained visible residues after the cleansing attempt.

The “Secret Sauce” Revealed

Curious to unveil the cleaning “secret sauce,” Dr. Shirazi introduced a mixture of hot water, dish soap, and olive oil as the winning combination. She explained that hot water aids in loosening debris and grime, while soap, with its surfactants, effectively dissolves sebum, oil, and makeup. The addition of olive oil enhances the removal and lifting of debris, leaving the sponge pristine.

The Winning Formula in Action

In the video, Dr. Shirazi combined the three ingredients in a bowl, creating a potent cleaning solution. The result was a sparkling clean Beautyblender that looked almost new, demonstrating the effectiveness of the disclosed method.

User Engagement and Validation

The TikTok video sparked engagement from users who shared their own makeup sponge cleaning methods. Some endorsed washing sponges in the washing machine, a method Dr. Shirazi confirmed as “another great method.” Others mentioned using dishwashers for sponge and brush cleaning.

Success Stories and User Validation

Commenters who tried Dr. Shirazi’s olive oil-infused hack reported success, with some expressing amazement at the effectiveness of the “secret sauce.” Testimonials ranged from users finding the method “amazing” to declaring it a future go-to for maintaining clean and unstained beauty tools.

Conclusion: Elevating Makeup Sponge Hygiene

Dr. Shirazi’s innovative hack offers a practical and accessible solution for individuals seeking optimal hygiene for their makeup sponges. The inclusion of a common kitchen ingredient adds a convenient twist to an essential beauty routine, encouraging users to prioritize the cleanliness of their beloved beauty tools. As the video resonates with viewers, it underscores the value of sharing expert tips to enhance everyday practices.
