Influencer’s Lessons from Dating a Man Who Went to Jail Twice

In my twenties – OK, OK, and early thirties – I went through a ‘bad boy’ stage. I know, so cliche! But like all bad decisions, I really committed.

My prerequisites for a man included a temper problem, a few tattoos (not arty ones, scary ones), loud and robust in nature and little respect for the law, in fact, little respect for me. And so it was that I found myself at the tender age of 23, sitting in a courtroom holding hands with a man who was just about to be sentenced to jail. Again.

Unexpected Encounters: From Towels to Courtrooms

But let’s go back a little further than that because these things don’t just oopsy daisy happen. It all began one cold winter night when I was living back at my parent’s house during university holidays. I had just hopped out of the shower and was drying in front of our fireplace in nothing but a towel…

The Temptation of Potential: Trying to Fix the Unfixable

I could see potential; he was smart so quick-witted, and I believed he just needed a bit of guidance. What I didn’t realize back then was that so did I. I averaged at least 300 km a week in my tiny rundown car. But I was intoxicated with him and naively thought I could help him become the man I thought he could be…

Freedom After Incarceration: Unexpected Blessings

Now, what I wasn’t expecting was that this would turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Not only was it a wake-up call for him, but it also helped me remove myself from a bad relationship and gain clarity. During this time, my mom really sprang into action…
