Jeremy Jambi suffered a severe head injury six months before suicide: coroner.

Jeremy Jambi

Jeremy Jambi was hit in the head by a baseball in August 2021 and “has not been the same since,” his mother told authorities.

The former Auckland Athletics player died in early February at 47. The cause of death was confirmed two days later as suicide.

A report from the Los Angeles County Coroner that news received on Thursday reveals that Jambi was hit by a baseball in August 2021 and fractured his cheekbone.

Jambi “has not been the same since that incident,” said his mother, who found him missed after his death. According to the coroner’s report. They said the athlete was “very negative, emotional and paranoid” after the injury. He said although Jambi, who was working as a consultant coach at the time. Had surgery to treat the injury, he “looked different.”. He also went to a neurologist but was never officially diagnosed with the disease. He said that Jambi was “very negative after his injury and would let the smallest things ruin his day.”

After the death of Jambi, several MLB teams, as well as stars and former stars, offer their condolences to the Jambi family.

Alex Rodriguez, who plays for the NY Yankees alongside Jambi’s older brother Jason, wrote on Twitter. Sad to hear the news of Jeremy Jambi’s passing. He was the best diamond racer. Only 47 graduated early. My thoughts are with family and friends- his friend. RIP.” The Oakland A shared a statement via their official Twitter account. We are saddened by the passing of a member of our green also gold family, Jeremy Jambi. Our condolences to Jeanne, Jason, also his family and friends.”

Philadelphia Phyllis starred in Jamby in 2002 and released a statement on Twitter: “Phyllis is saddened by the news of Jeremy Jamby’s tragic death.
