Marathon Runner’s Troubles: Vehicle Use Leads to Ban

British ultra-marathon runner Joasia Zakrzewski has faced repercussions following her participation in the GB Ultras Manchester to Liverpool race in 2023.

Admission of Actions: Zakrzewski Acknowledges Car Use”

Zakrzewski admitted to utilizing a car during the race, a revelation that led to her ban. In a statement, she conceded that she had traveled in a vehicle to complete the run, crossing the finish line and receiving a medal and trophy, actions she failed to rectify immediately.

“Denial of Intent: Zakrzewski’s Stance on Code of Conduct”

While acknowledging her use of a car, Zakrzewski denied any intention to cheat or violate the Code of Conduct for Senior Athletes. In a letter, she expressed that there was no deliberate attempt to conceal her reliance on a vehicle for part of the race.

“Contradictions Unveiled: Discrepancies in Zakrzewski’s Claims”

The UKA disciplinary panel’s written decision highlighted contradictions between Zakrzewski’s claims and the evidence provided by marshals. Despite her defense, the panel deemed her statements contrary to the marshals’ testimony, which she did not contest during the hearing.

“GPS Data and Mileage: Examining the Details of Zakrzewski’s Actions”

According to a Guardian report, Zakrzewski covered around 2.5 miles in a car during the race. The GPS data revealed specific details, including a mile covered in one minute and 40 seconds, raising questions about the integrity of her participation.

“Consequences Unveiled: Zakrzewski Barred for 12 Months”

In response to the discrepancies and admission of car use, the UKA disciplinary panel imposed a 12-month ban on Zakrzewski. The ban extends to coaching, officiating, and managing roles, marking a significant consequence for her actions during the GB Ultras Manchester to Liverpool race.
