Meet Aitana: Spain’s First AI Model Making Waves in the Digital World

In the realm of influencers and models, Aitana stands out not only for her striking looks but also for the fact that she is not a real person.

Aitana is Spain’s first AI model, created by The Clueless, an AI modelling agency based in Spain. The 25-year-old AI persona, managed by a team of graphic designers, has garnered attention not just for her virtual existence but for the lucrative income she generates.

Earning Up to €10,000 a Month:

Aitana, the brainchild of The Clueless, has become a prominent face in the world of social media advertising. Her digital presence includes partnerships with brands like BIG Supps, a sports supplement company, and content on platforms like Fanvue. The AI model can reportedly earn up to €10,000 (approximately Dh40,061.19) per month, making her a notable figure in the virtual influencer landscape.

The Birth of Aitana:

The idea of creating AI models arose from the challenges faced by The Clueless with real-life models. According to Ruben Cruz, the founder of the agency, projects were often delayed or canceled due to issues beyond their control. Aitana was conceived to address these challenges, with a carefully crafted personality that makes her relatable. Described as independent, generous, bold, and outspoken, Aitana presents a unique persona that resonates with her growing audience.

Success and Celebrity Attention:

Since her debut on Instagram in July, Aitana has amassed over 121,000 followers. The success doesn’t end there—Aitana has even received messages from celebrities, with one Latin American actor unaware that she is not a real person. The attention from celebrities and her growing follower base highlight the effectiveness of virtual influencers in the digital landscape.

Expanding the AI Model Portfolio:

Buoyed by Aitana’s success, The Clueless introduced another virtual model named Maia. Described as a young Argentine girl characterized by shyness and purity, Maia adds diversity to the agency’s digital roster. The AI figures are carefully crafted with personalities, backgrounds, and interests to enhance their relatability.

Criticism and Defense:

The agency has faced criticism for potentially objectifying and sexualizing virtual models, but Cruz defended their approach, stating that they adhere to an established aesthetic based on top models and influencers. He explained that brands seek virtual models to represent their values without continuity issues, providing flexibility in case of changes.

As AI models like Aitana redefine the influencer landscape, The Clueless remains at the forefront of this innovative intersection of technology and fashion. The success of Aitana and Maia signals a potential shift in how brands approach representation in the digital era.
