Multi-millionaire Shark Tank mogul Barbara Advice for Job Seekers Over 50

Barbara Corcoran, the 74-year-old Shark Tank mogul, recently shared valuable tips for individuals over 50 navigating the challenges of ageism in the job market.

Acting Younger to Combat Ageism

Responding to a viewer’s question about addressing ageism, Corcoran acknowledged its existence and suggested practical strategies to combat it.

Vitality and Positive Impressions

She recommended projecting vitality during interviews, advising individuals to “act younger” by presenting themselves as full of life and enthusiasm.

Looking Your Best and Energetic Approach

Emphasizing the importance of looking one’s best, she highlighted that energy and a vibrant demeanor can overshadow age-related concerns and make a positive impression on employers.

Challenging Stereotypes in Interviews

Corcoran acknowledged the reality that older job seekers may face hesitations from employers but encouraged them to put their best foot forward.

Leveraging Energy and Overcoming Stereotypes

She stressed the significance of vitality as a compelling factor, urging candidates to leverage their energy during interviews, whether in-person or through virtual platforms like Zoom.

Age as an Asset

Additionally, Barbara Corcoran highlighted the advantages of age, emphasizing the wealth of wisdom, life experience, and judgment that older individuals bring to the workplace.

Viewing Age as a Strength

She encouraged older workers to view their age as an asset, pointing out that they often require less training and possess valuable problem-solving skills.

Empowering Older Job Seekers

Corcoran’s advice aims to empower older job seekers, offering practical insights into overcoming age-related biases in the competitive job market.

Challenging Ageism in the Workforce

Addressing the broader issue of ageism, Corcoran’s guidance aligns with efforts to challenge discriminatory practices and promote equal opportunities for individuals of all ages in the workforce.

Navigating Age-Related Challenges

As job seekers navigate the complexities of the job market, Corcoran’s insights provide actionable strategies to navigate age-related challenges and present themselves as valuable assets to potential employers.
