
Sheriff Frank Sloup’s Hilarious Traffic Stops Make Him YouTube Star

Deputy Sheriff Frank Sloup, a 21-year law enforcement veteran in Pinal County, Arizona, has become… Read More

TikTok Personality “Mizzy” Defies Ban with Videos.

Mizzy, a controversial TikTok personality known for his audacious pranks and mischievous videos, has reportedly… Read More

The Emergence of Blue-Collar Influencers on TikTok.

From Potato Ty to the Shepherdess, Meet the Workers Turning Mundane Jobs Into TikTok Gold.… Read More

Mother and Children Claim Regular Communication with Aliens

Paulina Martinez, a 36-year-old artist, holistic therapist, and content creator from Mexico, has made bold… Read More

Streamer Jon Zherka and Influencer Sara Saffari Engage in Online Feud

Twitch Streamer Jon Zherka and Fitness Influencer Sara Saffari Engage in Heated Online Feud questioning… Read More

BBFC tightens rules on racist language in films

The UK Council introduces stricter rules on using N-words and other discriminatory expressions to film… Read More

The poorest are facing a food crisis amid a shortage of fertilizers.

A global fertilizer shortage is driving up food prices and sending developing countries into crisis.… Read More