Rashid Al Haddad has garnered attention for his striking resemblance to Timothée Chalamet

In a recent social media sensation, a young Yemeni man named Rashid Al Haddad has garnered attention for his striking resemblance to Hollywood star Timothée Chalamet.

Tourist Attraction at Sea: Galaxy Leader Seized by Houthi Rebels The TikToker filmed himself on a cargo ship seized by Houthi rebels last year, prompting admiring comparisons with the Wonka star.

A Seized Spectacle: Rashid Al Haddad’s Admirable Voyage The Galaxy Leader vessel, captured by Houthi rebels in November, has since become a tourist attraction at Ras Issa port. Social media influencers, including Rashid Al Haddad, have posted videos on the ship, expressing support for Palestinians and the people of Gaza.

On Deck and Below: Rashid’s Timely Clips Rashid’s clips showcase him approaching the Galaxy Leader, waving the Yemeni flag on its deck, and exploring below deck. Online users have noted his resemblance to Timothée Chalamet, playfully dubbing him ‘Tim-Houthi Chalamet.’

Unveiling the Enigma: Rashid’s Alleged Affiliation Despite assumptions about Rashid’s role, it remains unclear whether he is a pirate, Houthi rebel, or affiliated with any group. The Galaxy Leader, hijacked by armed Houthis in the Red Sea, was en route from Turkey to India when seized on November 19.

Maritime Disruptions: Impact of Houthi Attacks on Shipping Lanes Contributing to disruptions in the crucial shipping lane, Houthi attacks on ships claim to support Palestinians amid the Israel-Gaza conflict. The Galaxy Leader incident has led to rerouting measures by shipping companies, affecting maritime routes and travel times.

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