Richard Herring raises £30,000 for two hospitals in Hertfordshire.

The comedian has raised more than £30,000 for the hospital treating him for testicular cancer. Richard Herring would like to thank the NHS staff at Lister Hospital in Stevenage and Mount Vernon Cancer Center in Northwood, north London.

The East and North Hertfordshire Hospitals Charity said it was a “tremendous sum of money.”

The stand-up comedian, who first rose to fame in the action-comedy double Lee and Herring alongside Stuart Lee, underwent surgery on Lister in February.

Vulture, then 54 years old, underwent chemotherapy at Mount Vernon in March and entered the 21-kilometer race on November 7. In a blog post after the run, she said, “This is a tremendous personal achievement. But also a reminder that cancer is not an end and can last. I still don’t feel like I have cancer, but it’s not a fact.

“I came home with my medal also told the boys I won the race, but somehow I made it. Before the run, which started and ended at Knebworth, it was revealed he had received a promise to fulfill all donations made that day. Which helped him meet his £25,000 goal.

Herring, who is also a champion on Channel 4 game show Taskmaster, said. “I never imagined during my surgery that I would be running a half marathon just nine months later, and I would be able to do it in less than two hours. !!

“I’m doing this to thank all the NHS staff who helped me save myself.”

On his Just Giving page, he said that the money would be donated to a charity. That will fund the purchase of new specialized equipment, additional staff training, research. And projects to improve the patient experience and be shared between the two hospitals.

A spokeswoman for the charity said on its website: “Everyone at our hospital would like to congratulate Richard not only on the half marathon. Which is a very demanding route and thank you so much for collecting this incredible amount.

“Richard is a great comedian and a very kind and caring person to do that too.

“His brilliant fundraiser will ensure that our amazing NHS team continues to provide exceptional care to patients in situations like his. We are all very grateful.”

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