Tallene Hacatoryan Shares Three Tips for Weight Loss with PCOS

Tallene Hacatoryan, a 31-year-old dietitian from California, known as @pcos.weight.loss on TikTok, has garnered nearly 900,000 followers by sharing her journey of losing 30 pounds

In a recent video,by sharing her journey of losing 30 pounds and reversing her polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) symptoms, including weight gain and hormonal acne she debunked common advice and offered three tips for losing weight with PCOS:

  1. o Gluten- and Dairy-Free: Hacatoryan recommends eliminating gluten and dairy from the diet for 30 days to assess sensitivity to these inflammatory foods. PCOS is considered an inflammatory condition, and these foods might contribute to inflammation.
  2. Protein-Packed Breakfast: Consuming 30 grams or more of protein for breakfast, such as a protein shake, is advised. This helps stabilize blood sugar levels throughout the day and reduces afternoon cravings.
  3. Weight Lifting for Muscle Gain: Hacatoryan emphasizes the importance of building muscle through weight lifting. Muscle helps regulate blood sugar levels, especially for those who are insulin resistant, aiding in weight loss, particularly in the midsection.

Hacatoryan shared her own experience of overexercising and following restrictive diets, which exacerbated her hormonal acne and weight gain. Her journey, coupled with her professional expertise as a registered dietitian, has led her to advocate for a holistic and individualized approach to managing PCOS.

Her TikTok video has resonated with viewers, attracting over 46,000 views and generating positive responses from individuals who appreciate her practical and insightful advice. Followers have expressed the applicability of her tips beyond PCOS, highlighting the broader impact of her wellness guidance.
