The Disturbing World of Deepfake Romance Frauds Exploiting “The World’s Hottest Doctor”

Dr. Vasilije Vujovic, a 35-year-old plastic surgeon, finds himself at the center of an internet crime wave involving deepfake romance frauds

Scammers create fake social media accounts using Dr. Vujovic’s identity to manipulate women into online relationships and financial scams. The impact is extensive, leading to emotional trauma, financial losses, and even death threats for the innocent doctor.

The ‘Hot Doctor’ Persona: Dr. Vujovic, known as ‘the world’s HOTTEST doctor,’ gained fame due to his looks and social media presence. However, criminals exploited his popularity by creating over 150 fake Facebook and Instagram accounts, along with numerous TikTok impersonations. The most popular fake TikTok account has 230,000 followers and millions of views on its videos.

Rise of Romance Fraud: Romance fraud is a growing problem, costing Britons £31.3 million last year, with losses increasing annually. The criminals behind these scams use fake social media personas to establish online relationships, leading victims to believe they are in contact with the real Dr. Vujovic. The doctor receives numerous calls from victims, many of whom are upset and convinced they know him personally.

Impact on Dr. Vujovic: The consequences of the deepfake romance fraud extend beyond the victims. Dr. Vujovic faces negative Google reviews, angry spouses confronting him, and even death threats. The Adonis clinic, where he works, has suffered from damaging reviews, impacting the doctor’s professional reputation. Dr. Vujovic recounts instances where he had to deal with the fallout, including divorces caused by the fraudulent relationships.

AI and Deepfake Technology: AI and deepfake technology add a sinister layer to romance fraud. Criminals use deepfake software to create realistic video conversations with victims, further deceiving them. Dr. Vujovic was shocked to see live recordings of scammers posing as him in video calls with victims, showcasing the evolving threat of AI-driven impersonation.

Social Media Giants’ Inaction: Despite reporting numerous fake accounts, Dr. Vujovic faces challenges in getting social media platforms to take action. Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok often respond that the fake accounts do not violate their rules, highlighting the inadequacy of their policies. The lack of accountability from these platforms allows the deepfake fraud enterprise to persist.

Powerlessness Against Organized Crime: Dr. Vujovic’s experience underscores the powerlessness of individuals against organized crime gangs using their identity for scams. Social media companies and banks are criticized for their failure to address the issue adequately. The report points out that there is little incentive for social media platforms to delete fake accounts, leaving victims to suffer significant financial losses.

Conclusion: The story of Dr. Vujovic sheds light on the disturbing world of deepfake romance frauds, where criminals exploit AI technology to manipulate victims emotionally and financially. The lack of effective action from social media giants and financial institutions exacerbates the issue, emphasizing the need for stronger measures to combat the rising threat of deepfake crimes.
