The UK, The United States, And Australia Join An Anti-China Pact.

Key Sentence:

  • Britain, the US, and Australia have signed a historic security pact in the Indo-Pacific, which is seen as an attempt to counter China.
  • This would allow Australia to build a nuclear submarine for the first time using technology provided by the United States.

nited States, And Australia, known as auks, will also cover artificial intelligence, cyber, and quantum technology. It is the most significant defense partnership between countries in decades, analysts say. In recent years, all western democracies have expressed concern about China’s growing military resolve in the Indo-Pacific region.

Joint statement, the real partnership is intended to “promote security and prosperity in the region,” said US President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and Australian partner Scott Morrison. In Washington, the Chinese Embassy responded by accusing the countries of “Cold War mentality and ideological prejudice.”

The pact means Australia has breached a $50 billion (€31 billion; £27 billion) deal signed with France in 2016 to build 12 submarines.

What is aux?

According to analysts, this is the most significant security agreement between the three countries since World War II. August has formalized and deepened its defense cooperation while the United States, Britain, and Australia have long been allies.

The pact will focus on military capabilities, separating it from the Five Eyes intelligence alliance, including New Zealand and Canada. While Australian submarines are the big-ticket, Aukus will also include sharing cyber capabilities, AI, quantum, and other underwater technologies.

“This is a historic opportunity for the three United States And Australia countries to work with like-minded people and partners to protect shared values ​​and to promote security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region,” the joint statement said. The leaders did not refer directly to China but said regional security challenges had “grown significantly.”

What’s the background?

The buildup of armed forces in China and increased aggression have plagued rival powers in recent years. Beijing is accused of escalating tensions in disputed areas such as the South China Sea. He has also invested heavily in the Coast Guard in recent years, which analysts say is the Navy.

Western countries are wary United States And Australia of Chinese investment in Pacific island infrastructure and controversial trade sanctions against Australia. The United States and Australia called it “economic coercion.”

Why nuclear submarines?

These submarines are much faster and harder to spot than the conventional fleet. As a result, you can stay underwater for months, cover longer distances, and carry more stuff. Your location in Australia is critical to US influence in the region, analysts say.

The United States is sharing its underwater technology for the first time in 50 years. Previously, he only shared technology with the UK. Australia will be the seventh country to operate nuclear submarines after the United States, Great Britain, France, China, India, and Russia.

His contract with France was delayed as Canberra needed some components to come from local sources. Australia has confirmed that it has no plans to acquire nuclear weapons.

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