These Artists Open The UK’s First Sex Shop For Cancer Patients.

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  • “Sex with Cancer,” co-founders Brian Lobel and June-Lynn Goch, answers the question, “What if cancer patients set up their sex shop?”

Two artists also former cancer patients, Brian Lobel and June-Lin, work with Sh! The feminine erotic emporium. Starting October 7, the online store “Sex with Cancer” will offer sex toy. Information, and specially prepared artwork for current and former cancer patients.

“Cancer and cancer treatments often have serious effects on a person’s sex life. Both directly and indirectly,” the organization said, noting that surgery can remove body parts or scars. While chemotherapy and radiation have several side effects and weight fluctuations to erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness and an increased risk of infection.

To help people address these issues and create a broader dialogue. Sex with Cancer draws on the expertise of a group from patient advocates, doctors and nurses, psychotherapists, activists, and sex toy experts.

I contacted my friend and former cancer patient Brian (Lobel),” said June-Lin co-founder Goh Dazed, talking about the origins of the sex shop. Brian has worked in cancer treatment and advocacy since 2003. After being diagnosed with testicular cancer at the age of 20.

June-Lin adds, “One day Brian rejected the idea of ​​’what if’ that had been around for some time.

What if cancer patients Artists started their sex shop? Since then, the topic has become a fascinating topic. I went through a year of treatment, but it has also kept us in conversation and fascination for the last four years.”

“People talk badly about cancer, almost as bad as sex,” Brian added. “The idea is to step into this relative space where people don’t (or speak well), namely the space for sex and cancer. And fill it with lots of opportunities, possibilities, resources, and inspiration. That shop has to be a reality because we want to make sure that the solutions to problems in the world of cancer can be solved. And that the unsolved have a place to be broadcast, heard, and experienced.”

In addition to Sex with Cancer’s products, tools, and practical tips, the store offers space for new artwork. Including an online show by Brian Lobel to help you better have tough conversations. The site is also home to a documentary, Unexpired Pleasures, by Lenny Lamid Davis and Sean Hamilton. And Christopher Samuel’s project on male cancer, called Swinging in the Wind.

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