TikTok Skincare Influencer Exposes Acne-Causing Habits

London-based TikTok skincare influencer, Natalie O’Neill, has unveiled five unexpected habits that may be causing acne breakouts

From dermaplaning, a facial hair and dead skin removal process, to using viral skincare products like Weleda’s Skin Food and Embryolisse Cream Concentrate, Natalie warns against practices that may exacerbate acne. Additionally, she highlights the impact of whey protein on acne-prone individuals, emphasizing the need to reconsider its usage. Picking spots and not properly cleansing after a workout with makeup on are also identified as common contributors to skin issues. Natalie encourages awareness and a tailored approach to skincare rather than following trends blindly.

Dermaplaning Dilemma

Natalie advises against dermaplaning, citing potential acne breakouts for those who may not tolerate the process well. While some individuals can handle dermaplaning, others may experience severe breakouts, and Natalie urges those in denial about its impact to discontinue the practice.

Whey Protein Woes

Addressing gym enthusiasts, Natalie warns that whey protein consumption can contribute to increased acne. Particularly for individuals prone to acne who consume whey protein daily, Natalie suggests reconsidering its use. Multiple shakes a day in an effort to meet protein goals may lead to an uptick in acne for susceptible individuals.

Viral Skincare Product Pitfalls

Natalie singles out viral skincare products like Weleda’s Skin Food and Embryolisse Cream Concentrate, labeling them as significant acne triggers. Despite their popularity, Natalie believes these products, designed for dry skin, are not suitable for those prone to acne. She encourages individuals with acne-prone skin to be cautious when adopting trendy skincare products.

Spot Picking Peculiarities

Spot picking is a common habit that Natalie discourages, emphasizing that it doesn’t prevent larger spots and may lead to blotchy, patchy skin. Dermatologists caution against picking spots, and Natalie advocates for letting them heal naturally to minimize the risk of scarring.

Makeup After Gym Misstep

While acknowledging the confidence boost some gain from wearing makeup to the gym, Natalie cautions against neglecting proper cleansing afterward. Sweating with makeup on, followed by failure to cleanse, can result in makeup and oil hardening in pores, likely contributing to acne. Natalie encourages individuals to wash off makeup after sweating to prevent acne-related issues.

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