Viral TikTok Video: Girlfriend Bites Boyfriend’s Bicep for Tattoo

In another viral TikTok video, an unnamed couple showcased a unique tattoo idea where the girlfriend bites the boyfriend’s bicep, and a tattoo artist permanently etches the teeth mark into his skin.

Public Reaction to Unusual Tattoo Concept

Comments on the TikTok video ranged from disbelief to outright criticism. While some found the tattoo concept “the weirdest sh!t” they’ve ever seen, others questioned the rationale behind such a permanent and unconventional choice. The divisive nature of the tattoo sparked various opinions, including a Twilight joke referencing Edward Cullen.

Support and Dissent Among TikTok Users

Despite the widespread criticism, a few TikTok users expressed support for the couple’s tattoo, finding it “lowkey cute.” However, the majority of comments raised concerns about the permanence of the tattoo, especially in the event of a breakup. The debate on the appropriateness and appeal of such tattoos continues within the TikTok community.

The Context of Recent Tattoo Pranks on Social Media

The TikTok video adds to a trend of unconventional and sometimes controversial tattoos shared on social media. Notably, a woman recently went viral for seemingly tattooing her boyfriend’s name across her face. However, it was later revealed to be a prank aimed at discouraging young people from getting impulsive and regrettable tattoos.
