YouTuber Nidhi Kumar Aims to Put Dubai on the Dance Map

Nidhi Kumar, one of the UAE’s most prominent dance YouTubers, shares her journey as a content creator, leaving a stable job to pursue a full-time career in showcasing her dance skills.

At 26, she stands as one of the biggest dance influencers in the region, driven by the goal of putting Dubai on the dance map. In an interview, she discusses her passion for dance, the challenges faced, and the power of social media in shaping her success.

Passion for Dance from a Young Age

Nidhi Kumar expresses that her love for dance has been ingrained in her since childhood, with her entire family sharing a passion for it. Even at a young age, while others aspired to become doctors or engineers, she dreamt of becoming a dancer and actor. Her journey into the world of dance began at the age of four, fueled by a family tradition of dancing at gatherings.

Transition from Corporate Job to Full-Time Content Creation

After securing a job with a multinational corporation post-graduation, Nidhi Kumar left the stable position within six months. Despite the corporate role, her mind was consistently focused on choreography, creativity, and her budding YouTube dance channel. The turning point was marked by the viral success of one of her early videos on YouTube, earning her recognition as the ‘Kaala Chasma’ girl. Encouraged by her parents, she took the leap of faith to pursue dance full-time.

Social Media as the Ultimate Platform

For Nidhi Kumar, social media is not just a career option; it is everything. She emphasizes that all major opportunities, including advertisements, label collaborations, and brand shoots, have stemmed from her social media presence. Instagram, in particular, stands out as a tremendous platform for budding creators, offering endless opportunities and a global reach that surpasses traditional platforms. She sees social media as her big screen, reaching both masses and remote areas that movies may not access.

Empowering Talent through Social Media

Nidhi Kumar challenges the notion that social media, especially platforms like TikTok, dilutes art and creativity. She believes that social media serves as a powerful force in pushing talent, allowing individuals from diverse backgrounds and regions, even the most inaccessible places, to showcase their skills. While some argue that social media content may simplify art, she sees it as a uniting force that brings people together through dance trends.

Addressing “Cringe Content” and Consumption Choices

Regarding the criticism of “cringe content” on social media, Nidhi Kumar acknowledges that the platform offers a variety of content, and individuals need to choose what they consume. She suggests using features like the ‘mute’ option to filter content based on personal preferences. Despite the vast range of content, she advocates for more acceptance, recognizing that everyone is trying to make a living.

Recognition of Behind-the-Scenes Efforts

Nidhi Kumar sheds light on the behind-the-scenes efforts required for social media content creation. She emphasizes that the process involves meticulous planning, including outfit selection, storyboarding, scripting, production, and post-production. The creation of a video extends beyond recording to include marketing strategies, deciding upload times, and promoting content across channels.

Aspirations to Put Dubai on the Dance Map

Driven by her passion for dance and the power of social media, Nidhi Kumar aims to put Dubai on the dance map. Her journey reflects the transformative potential of social media in providing a platform for talent and creativity, reshaping traditional career paths, and offering global visibility to aspiring artists.
