Accusation Against TikTok: Stern Warning on Antisemitism

During the virtual discussion, which included celebrities like Debra Messing and Amy Schumer, as well as Jewish content creators, Cohen directed his criticism at TikTok executives.

Jewish comedian Sacha Baron Cohen has sharply accused TikTok of contributing to “the biggest antisemitic movement since the Nazis.” The “Borat” star expressed his concerns during a virtual discussion with TikTok executives, where he alleged that the platform had become a breeding ground for antisemitic content.

Virtual Showdown: Celebrities Confront TikTok Executives

During the virtual discussion, which included celebrities like Debra Messing and Amy Schumer, as well as Jewish content creators, Cohen directed his criticism at TikTok executives. The meeting aimed to address the rising tide of antisemitism on the platform, with instances of users praising Osama bin Laden and justifying the 9/11 terror attacks.

TikTok’s Role: Accusations of Fostering Antisemitism

Cohen did not hold back, asserting that TikTok was responsible for creating a significant antisemitic movement. He pointed out the platform’s potential to influence users negatively, drawing parallels to how early exposure to certain images influenced individuals involved in acts of violence, such as those perpetrated by Hamas.

Calls for Action: Cohen Urges TikTok to Take Responsibility

Cohen did not mince words, urging TikTok executives to take swift action. He suggested that the platform could easily “flip a switch” to address the issue of antisemitism on TikTok. The accusations included instances where users expressed support for Holocaust denial and made explicit threats.

Executives Respond: Acknowledging the Issue

TikTok executives, including Adam Presser and Seth Melnick, acknowledged the gravity of the situation. Presser conceded that while there was no “magic button” to fix the problem, the platform could do better. The executives, both of whom are Jewish, seemed aware of the challenges and criticism.

Addressing Specific Concerns: Debra Messing Advocates for a Ban

Debra Messing, known for her role in “Will and Grace,” used the opportunity to advocate for banning the pro-Palestinian phrase “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” The phrase, deemed antisemitic by the Anti-Defamation League, has appeared in comments on many Jewish TikTok users’ videos.

TikTok’s Stance: Moderation Challenges and Interpretation

Presser explained the challenges of interpreting the use of certain phrases and indicated that TikTok’s 40,000 moderators played a crucial role. He mentioned that content explicitly promoting harm or antisemitism was removed, but instances where the meaning was less clear were subject to interpretation.

User Concerns: Safety Features and Response Times

The virtual discussion also addressed concerns about TikTok lacking critical safety features to protect Jewish content creators. Users expressed frustration with the platform’s response times to reports of harassment, with some waiting three to five days for administrators to address their concerns.

Collective Plea: Open Letter Denouncing Hate on TikTok

Prior to the virtual meeting, members of the group sent an open letter to TikTok, decrying the prevalence of antisemitic content and expressing the need for better safety features. The letter emphasized the dangers faced by Jewish content creators on the platform.

The Way Forward: TikTok’s Commitment to Improvement

TikTok executives recognized the need for improvement and expressed their commitment to addressing the challenges. Presser noted ongoing efforts to reorganize creator management teams to provide better support for users facing harassment.

As TikTok grapples with accusations of fostering antisemitism, the platform faces a crucial moment in reevaluating its policies and taking concrete steps to ensure a safer environment for users of all backgrounds.

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