Miranda McKean, 20, marks one year since discovering their breast cancer lump

Already in remission, actresses Ann and E wrote that this was “the first of many warnings.” The evening of May 30, 2021, will be with Miranda McKean. Actresses Ann and E expected it to be a fun time at the “beach house with some of my friends.” Still, it turned into a night when she discovered the lum. That would turn into breast cancer and filled the start of the year with health checks, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery.

A year later, McCain, 20, is celebrating “the first of many anniversaries” with tonight’s Instagram post.

He “partied, danced, and had fun” when he went to the bathroom.

“I pee, straighten my hair, and do the classic tit spoon – a common practice during parties. Then, I remove lumps that weren’t there before,” she says. “It was the size of jelly but strong enough to sink my stomach and turn on the emergency siren in my head.” to find out if the lump is cancer before leaving his friends and going to bed.

“I cried myself to sleep when the music came down the stairs,” she said. “My stomach is screaming that something is wrong.”

A series of medical meetings followed that night, during which McKean learn he was “one in a million. As he previously told PEOPLE, and was diagnose with breast cancer at the age of 19. This immediately started with IVF treatment, eight rounds of chemotherapy, three surgeries, and 25 radiation sessions over the next eight months. Finally, on February 25, McCain was in remission and began to appreciate the different stages of his cancer experience.

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