Mother and Children Claim Regular Communication with Aliens

Paulina Martinez, a 36-year-old artist, holistic therapist, and content creator from Mexico, has made bold claims that both she and her two children, engage in regular communication with extraterrestrial beings.

An Interstellar Journey: Contacting the Pleiadians

Martinez, who began her journey into the world of extraterrestrials at the age of 17, asserts that her children have followed in her footsteps and maintain contact with non-human entities. According to Martinez, her six-year-long contact with a Pleiadian alien being has provided insights into what she refers to as “The Program” or “The Matrix.” Sharing her experiences on TikTok, where she has amassed a following of 94,000, Martinez divulges details about her interactions with these interstellar beings and delves into the cosmic teachings she receives.

Intriguingly, Martinez claims that her son, starting at the age of four, communicated with an alien he fondly named “my purple friend.” The extraterrestrial entity, described as a girl, allegedly took her son on journeys beyond Earth, showing him her home planet within the star cluster Pleiades. Remarkably, Martinez has encountered others who claim to have seen the same Pleiadian planet in dreams or visions.

Cosmic Messages: Waves of Energy and Open Contact

Martinez’s children, particularly her son, convey messages from their alien contacts, primarily focusing on the significant waves of energy currently affecting Earth. According to Martinez, her son describes these waves as a transformative gateway that absorbs negative energy, converting it into positive energy, and subsequently sending it back to Earth. He predicts that extraterrestrial beings, including reptilians, Andromedans, and Pleiadians, will physically reveal themselves between 2025 and 2028.

The messages also touch on the coexistence of negative and positive energy, the elevation of human consciousness, and the preparation for open contact with extraterrestrial beings. Martinez’s daughter has reportedly discussed concepts of parallel realities, emphasizing the simultaneous occurrence of past, present, and future.

Despite the unconventional nature of these claims, Martinez insists that her children, far from feeling fear, experience a sense of peace and calm during their extraterrestrial encounters. While skeptics may question the validity of such experiences, Martinez’s narrative provides a unique glimpse into a cosmic connection that transcends the boundaries of conventional understanding.

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