TikTok User Claims Carbon Monoxide Poisoning from Scented Candles

Emy Moore, a popular TikTok user, recounts her alarming experience of ending up in the hospital with carbon monoxide poisoning after burning five scented candles in her room for over 10 hours.

The Traumatic Night: A Room Filled with Scented Danger

Moore explains in her video how she lit five candles in her room, burned them for an extended period, and then went to sleep with the door shut. She describes a surreal and unsettling sensation, feeling as if her body dropped and hearing voices. As her symptoms escalated, including chest pain, dizziness, and confusion, Moore realized something was seriously wrong and sought help from her parents.

Hospital Revelation: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning from Candles

Upon reaching the hospital, Moore discovered that her blood pressure was alarmingly high. Medical professionals, upon learning about the prolonged exposure to candles, suggested that she could have suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning. Moore received oxygen treatment until her symptoms subsided, expressing gratitude that the situation wasn’t more severe.

Health Prioritization: A Cautionary Tale

Now recovered, Moore urges others to prioritize their health and not take things for granted. She acknowledges her oversight in leaving the candles burning for an extended period and vows to be more mindful in the future.

TikTok Concerns and Advice: Viewer Reactions

TikTok users expressed concern for Moore’s well-being, with some questioning the decision to burn five candles simultaneously. Moore clarifies that she simply wanted a cozy vibe and ambiance but didn’t intend for them to burn for such an extended duration.

Expert Warning: Scented Candles and Health Risks

Australian researcher Dr. Svetlana Stevanovic warns against burning scented candles, citing the potential emission of volatile organic compounds and particulates that can negatively impact health. Stevanovic emphasizes the well-established link between such emissions and various health effects, advising caution in using scented candles.

Emy Moore’s harrowing experience serves as a cautionary tale about the potential dangers of prolonged exposure to scented candles, prompting a broader discussion on the health risks associated with certain household items.

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