6G is coming in 2030; but then you probably won’t use your smartphone: Nokia CEO

Nokia Peka CEO Lundberg believes that smartphones will not become the most widely adopted interface until 6G becomes dominant.

Nokia Peka CEO Lundmark predicts that 6G cellular networks will be operational by the decade. Still, until then, smartphones will not be the most common interface, according to News. However, speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, he said he expects 6G to enter the commercial market sometime in 2030.

When asked when the world will switch from smartphones to smart glasses and other devices. Lundmark said it would be before the arrival of 6G. “Until then, smartphones, as we know them today, will not be the most common interface. According to CNBC, many of these things are built right into our bodies,” Lundmark said. Nokia Sensitive CEO Lundmark predicts that 6G cellular networks will be operational by the decade. Still, by then, smartphones won’t be the “most common interface, according to news. Uttering at the World Economic Forum in Davos. He said he expects 6G to enter the commercial market sometime in 2030.

When asked when the world will switch from smartphones to smart glasses and other devices, Lundmark said it would be before the arrival of 6G. “Until then, smartphones, as we know them today, will not be the most common interface. According to news, a lot of these things are built right into our bodies,” Lundmark said. Also, the exact definition of 6G is still unclear as many parts of the world, including India, have not yet received 5G coverage. We are working on 6G technology developed by locals to launch it in 2023 or early 2024 while speaking at a conference last November.

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