Sheriff Frank Sloup’s Hilarious Traffic Stops Make Him YouTube Star

Deputy Sheriff Frank Sloup, a 21-year law enforcement veteran in Pinal County, Arizona, has become a YouTube sensation with his channel, “Fridays With Frank.”

The weekly series showcases Sloup’s encounters with traffic violators, blending humor, sarcasm, and compassion in his interactions. The channel has amassed over 245,000 subscribers, making Sloup a notable online figure.

In one episode, Sloup addresses a teen caught driving under the influence of marijuana, incorporating humor into the situation. The deputy’s unconventional approach to law enforcement has garnered significant attention, with some episodes reaching over 1 million views.

Sloup’s popularity extends beyond his local community, with viewers from around the world tuning in to watch his interactions. Despite his newfound fame, Sloup remains modest about his role as a traffic officer. He credits his supportive boss, Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb, for allowing the creation of the YouTube channel.

The deputy’s humorous and relatable approach has resonated with audiences, sparking discussions about the intersection of law enforcement and online content creation. Sloup’s unique style has also led to collaborations, including a two-hour appearance on the pro-marijuana podcast “Blue To Green.”

While “Fridays With Frank” has brought positive attention, Sloup acknowledges the challenges that come with online fame, including death threats and increased visibility. Nevertheless, he remains committed to his role as a law enforcement officer and embraces the opportunities to engage with a global audience.

As the popularity of “Fridays With Frank” continues to grow, Deputy Sheriff Frank Sloup represents a unique blend of traditional policing and modern online influence, challenging perceptions of law enforcement in the digital age.

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